Touch games that require precision in the play may be many, one of them
is The Trooper. This game is very interesting, from the look and the
music sounds when played. Glance may seem very easy, but once you play
it will be more interested and perhaps you will say that this game
requires more accuracy:)
Simple animation game this Quattromedia production, does not make this
game less attractive, precisely because of the simplicity of it, this
game became more enjoyable to play. It only takes precision and our
strategies to complete each round, with our efforts to resolve quickly
and by producing several combinations, it will be easier to get
promoted and get some medals in accordance with its mission.
game tells our efforts to attack the enemy's headquarters, here we have
to go through several steps before heading to the headquarters of the
What we must do only a minimum of 3 matching items in horizontal or
vertical. Items that could be a soldier, aircraft, tanks or aircraft
carriers or submarines
What we must do only a minimum of 3 matching items in horizontal or
vertical. Items that could be a soldier, aircraft, tanks or aircraft
carriers or submarines in accordance with the drawings provided and in
accordance with the image that went over to the army. Very easy and
very challenging to play, because sometimes we are very difficult to
match the image below with a picture walk on. If the vehicle approached
the enemy of our soldiers, then the game ends. I also sometimes play
and sometimes have difficulty finding the right image, with the faster
music if the enemy soldiers approaching.
interesting, because here was also accompanied by the military rank,
the higher the level of our combinations, the faster to get the highest
rank, the key here was just 1, the concentration.
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